TWO friends who had never before been in trouble went on a shoplifting spree after watching a documentary about which stores were the easiest to steal from.

Michaela Duncan, 39, and Christine Harding, 41, were caught with more than £1,200 worth of clothes and cosmetics by department store security staff.

They told police they had travelled from their homes in Darlington to Teesside after seeing a television programme which highlighted the shops in Stockton.

A court heard today that they were captured in the lingerie department of a high street store on September 19 last year after staff became suspicious of them.

Security officers found £1,191 worth of clothing and other items stuffed into their bags, as well as almost £100 worth of goods from another outlet.

Prosecutor Richard Parsell said the women were both of previous good character and were "extremely remorseful".

"Both said they had seen a television programme which detailed the shops which were the easiest targets for thefts before going to Stockton town centre," added Mr Parsell.

Richard Bennett, defending both women, said: "This was a completely misguided attempt to steal and it is a shame these women, at a fairly late age, are before the courts."

Duncan, of Geneva Road, and Harding, of Rosedale Crescent, admitted two charges of theft at an earlier hearing at Teesside Magistrates' Court.

Today, at Teesside Crown Court, they were both given a 12-month community supervision order by the judge, Recorder Jeremy Baker, QC.

The judge told them: "Neither of you have previous convictions and, frankly, it is a surprise to read that you had this idea and you thought this was an appropriate way of seeking to make some money."