THE Government last night gave its full backing to a major new port complex in the south of England, giving another blow to North-East job hopes.

Despite overwhelming opposition from residents and environmental campaigners, the Office for the Deputy Prime Minister gave full approval to the extension of the port complex at Bathside Bay, Harwich, Essex.

The Government said last year it was "minded to approve" the scheme.

Teesport owner PD Ports had been fighting for the Government to halt southern ports expansion and bring 7,000 jobs to the North-East at a new £300m deep-sea container terminal in the region.

But ministers approved plans for three ports in the south, at Felixstowe, London and Harwich.

PD Ports is submitting a planning application and hopes to get it fast-tracked so its expansion can go ahead before its competitors - meaning it will win crucial business from shipping lines.

Because Teesport's bid has less environmental concerns than Harwich and London, as it will be on brownfield land, PD Ports hopes the planning process will be faster.

Because of infrastructure problems, expansion in Essex depends on road and rail improvements, which could take several years.

The Northern Echo has been supporting Teesport's plans through its Support Our Port campaign.