ASHOK Kumar is a diligent and respected MP who works hard on behalf of his North-East constituents. But, in the context of national politics, he is not a household name.

It is, therefore, with a degree of surprise that we find an article written by Dr Kumar - published in The Northern Echo this week - being turned into an alleged Cabinet plot to get rid of the Prime Minister.

Dr Kumar's article paid affectionate tribute to Mr Blair's achievements, while underlining some of his Government's failings, and pleaded for a smooth and swift handover to Gordon Brown.

Given that Dr Kumar has been devoutly loyal to Mr Blair, we viewed it as a significant message which would resonate with many readers.

We do not, however, consider it to be part of an underhand Cabinet scheme to speed up the Chancellor's move into Number 10.

Indeed, the front page of the Evening Standard in London described it as a "Cabinet move to oust Blair" on the grounds that the article had been authorised by International Development Secretary Hilary Benn. There is no evidence that he did.

As the story gathered momentum on the national news wires last night, and Dr Kumar was hauled before the Chief Whip to explain himself, it was also being suggested that his article was deliberately timed to coincide with the Prime Minister being out of the country.

We also know that to be untrue because the timing of the article was our choice, not Dr Kumar's.

While we would never underestimate the ability of politicians to cook up a juicy plot, it is our firm belief that this is simply a case of over-egging the pudding.

What it does demonstrate, however, is just how twitchy they are in the village of Westminster, away from the real world.