UNRULY people are being named and shamed as part of a police campaign to stamp out anti-social behaviour.

Images of persistent offenders are being posted through letterboxes on an east Cleveland estate and featured in posters as part of a police campaign to stamp out anti-social behaviour.

Cleveland Police are hoping to hammer home the message that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated on the Westfield Estate, in Loftus.

The campaign is part of the force's Operation Hammer offensive.

An anti-social behaviour order (Asbo) has been secured for Michael Tooth and a criminal anti-social behaviour orders (Crasbo) obtained for Stuart Patchett and Daniel Peacock.

These orders mean that unless these young people improve their behaviour they risk arrest and custody.

Inspector Kevin Scott, head of Neighbourhood Policing in the Loftus area, said: "The approach that has been taken by the partners involved in Operation Hammer has so far been very successful.

"We hope to show these people who insist on making other people's lives a misery, that we as a community will not stand for it, we will fight back and we will achieve our aims.

"There is a strong community spirit in Loftus and, though this has been tested in recent months, it is that spirit that has allowed certain members of the community to stand up and be counted, so that we have the best information to be able to do our part of the job."

A dispersal order was introduced in the area in February.