A LOCAL authority leader has admitted failing to declare an interest regarding a document that was presented to an executive council meeting.

Councillor Alex Watson, leader of Derwentside District Council, accepts he failed to announce he was also chairman of the North-East Regional Assembly, at a meeting on October 3 last year.

A complaint was made to the Standards Board for England by former Cornsay councillor John Pickersgill, because the council discussed and voted on a document prepared by the assembly.

Coun Watson said: "I circulated a memo to every member of the council and told them I was a chairman of the assembly when I took the post.

"Technically speaking, I was supposed to declare an interest at the start of the executive meeting.

"I accept that I should have declared an interest. There is no need for an investigation because I have said I am guilty. It is going beyond common sense."

Officers from the standard board assessed whether the complaint should be investigated further but concluded it should not.

Head of referrals Kathy Farrand said: "It was considered that, at most, the alleged conduct might constitute a failure to declare a personal interest.

"However, in all the circumstances, it was considered that the alleged conduct, even if it were found to have occurred, is not of such significance of itself to justify an investigation and any consequent action."

The matter has now been referred to Ashley Rocks-Mennon, the legal services manager and monitoring officer for Derwentside District Council.

She said the authority's standards committee was yet to decide whether Councillor Watson would need to attend a hearing regarding the matter.

It will also decide whether the press and public will be allowed to attend if a hearing takes place.