AN initiative to inspire more young people to get involved in volunteering has been launched.

The Millennium Volunteer (MV) in the Community scheme will offer drop-in sessions at Trax, the Connexions Centre on Station Bridge, Harrogate.

Young people will be able to find out more about the benefits of volunteering and the scheme involves the Harrogate MV project at Henshaws College, Connexions, Harrogate College and the Volunteers' Bureau.

Asha Munn, student volunteer co-ordinator at Henshaws College, said that all young people were welcome to become involved, whether they are students or in work.

She said: "We want to get the message across that volunteering is not only a wonderful way to give something back to the local community, it is also a great way to meet new people and learn new skills.

"It's also really useful to be able to include volunteering experience on your CV."

Connexions centre manager Ann O'Connell said: "We hope the young people in the area will take up the challenge and get involved."

The drop-in sessions at Connexions take place every Monday evening between 5pm and 6pm and every Thursday, between 11.30am and 1pm.