A FESTIVAL has been planned to officially re-open South Park, Darlington, marking the completion of a multi-million pound restoration project.

After nearly four years of work, supported by a £3.9m Heritage Lottery Fund grant, the new-look park will be unveiled on Sunday, May 7.

The restoration of the park - regarded as one of the jewels in the borough of Darlington - has been keenly anticipated by residents.

Almost every area of South Park has been improved, and the re-opening, which will run from noon to 4pm, will offer a host of activities for visitors.

They will include Cockerton Silver Band giving a performance at the restored bandstand, which will host numerous musical events in the summer.

There will also be bouncy castles, climbing walls, stalls, rides, face painting, balloon modelling, treasure hunts, street theatre, music, a Punch and Judy show, arts and crafts events and other attractions.

A competition will also be run, which offers winners the chance of a helicopter ride over Darlington.

Prior to the festival, hundreds of people are expected to cycle through the park from 10.30am to 11.30am as part of Bikeathon 2006, which will raise money for the Leukaemia Research Fund.

Visitors will have a chance to see the centrepiece lake, which has been rebuilt, and the restored terracotta fountain.

The park is also providing new opportunities for local youngsters, with improved play facilities including the town's first skateboard park.

The Outside In education centre offers a learning resource for children wanting to find out more about the natural world.

South Park's refurbishment also includes horticultural attractions, including the new rose garden and sensory garden, as well as the rockery and rustic bridge.

New public toilets, benches, bins and colourful signs have been installed to complete the restoration.

Councillor Lee Vasey, Darlington Borough Council's cabinet member for leisure services, said: "I hope as many people as possible come along to the festival and take the opportunity to see what a superb job has been made of the park's restoration.

"South Park is held in very high regard by residents and visitors, and I am sure they will be delighted to see the finished product.