POLICE continued their hunt for the body of murdered teenager Jenny Nicholl yesterday.

A team of officers carried out fingertip searches of woodland where Jenny's CD player and teddy bear were found last week.

Heavy lifting equipment was brought in to move a pile of stones at Sandbeck Plantation, near Richmond, North Yorkshire.

The stereo and soft toy have been sent away for tests at a Government forensics centre in Wetherby, West Yorkshire.

Police say it could be weeks, if not months, before the results are known.

The teddy was a Christmas present given to Jenny when she was six.

The 10in toy was dressed in a military-style outfit.

Jenny's parents say the teddy had been in her bedroom for years.

She put the bear in the attic when she became a teenager, but brought it back down last year.

Speaking before an appearance on Crimewatch in December, Jenny's mother, Ann Nicholl, said: "I am not sure why she went and got that particular animal back after all these years - perhaps some happy memory was stirred of that Christmas in 1991."

In May or June, Jenny took the toy out of the house, saying a friend had offered to sew on new badges. It is not known who the friend was.

On July 4, the badges were found on the floor of Jenny's Rover car found abandoned in the Holly Hill Inn car park, in Richmond, four days after she disappeared from her family's home, in the town