CHILDREN have raised enough money to build an entire classroom in an African school and pay a teacher for six months.

Pupils and teachers at Bow School, in Durham City, raised £2,190.16 for the Oxfam Unwrapped appeal.

The children, aged seven to 13, staged a series of fundraising events between October and last month, including sponsored multiplication, spelling and French tests.

Pre-prep children held a collection at their Christmas Nativity, as well as a collection at Durham School Chapel at the end of term carol service.

Teachers were so impressed by the pupils' determination to raise the £1,700 needed to build the classroom that they pledged £378 to fund a teacher for six months, if they reached their target.

Music teacher Mary Tyers said: "We have a great tradition here at Bow of raising large amounts of money for charity.

"For a small school of only 125 pupils, we are very proud of our excellent fundraising appeals.

"The children have really got behind the Oxfam Unwrapped appeal and loved the idea of building and furnishing a classroom in Africa, especially as we have just completed a refurbishment of our own classrooms here at Bow".

Oxfam volunteers Jackie Smith and Pirrko Hocking visited the school yesterday to collect the money.