A FOOTBALL fan has been given a three-year banning order after shouting abuse at opposition fans following a derby match.

Darlington FC fan Paul Stephen Lupton, 21, was seen waving a bottle at Carlisle United fans at a pub near to the Quakers 96.6 TFM Darlington arena following the match between the two teams on March 18.

Lupton, from Rockingham Street, Darlington, pleaded guilty yesterday (TUES) at Darlington Magistrates Court to using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour.

The court heard how police were called to the Copper Beech Hotel on Neasham Road after the match where a group of opposing fans had gathered.

David Maddison, prosecuting, said: "Police drew their attention to Mr Lupton and formed the opinion he was trying to run towards the Carlisle supporters.

"He was carrying a bottle of lager in his hand and holding it buy the neck and waving it above his head.

"Police were drawn to the opinion he was trying to hurl the bottle towards the Carlisle fans."

Mr Maddison added that when officers tried to arrest Lupton he struggled with them.

Kevin Ross, mitigating, said his client had no previous convictions, and had not been to watch the match.

He added: "He just tends to go along just for a drink.

"He had no intention of getting involved in any trouble and no intention of throwing the bottle at anybody."

Magistrates sentenced Lupton to a conditional discharge for 18 months and a three year football banning order, which prevented him going to Darlington matches or near to the stadium on matchdays.

He was also ordered to pay 34 costs.