TEENAGE sweethearts Anne and Frank Gristwood have celebrated 50 years of wedded bliss.

The couple from Heather Lane, Crook, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with close family, including their son Stephen, 43, daughter Angela, 46, and twin grandchildren Katherine and James, aged 11.

They met when Mrs Gristwood, now 72, was 15 and working in Woolworths, in Crook.

She said: "I was evacuated to Crook from Surrey during the war and he used to come in with his friends to make fun of my accent."

Their courtship did not start until a couple of years later and they went on to marry at St John's Church, in Sunnybrow.

The couple have enjoyed life to the full travelling all over with their family.

Mr Gristwood, 75, said: "We have had some lovely holidays and have enjoyed spending time with our family, especially our grandchildren. We wouldn't change a thing."