A HELPLINE has been set up to provide information about changes to schemes that support sustainable rural projects.

Some projects delivered by Defra's Rural Development Service will be transferred to regional development agency One NorthEast on September 30, with the remainder switching to new Government agency Natural England.

One NorthEast will manage social and economic schemes, including those dealing with energy crops and sustainable farming.

From next January 1, One NorthEast will also introduce a programme to support social and economic development in rural areas. From October 1, Environmental Stewardship schemes, which fund farmers' wildlife-friendly work, will be the responsibility of Natural England.

Ian Brown, One NorthEast's board member with rural responsibility, said: "The changes are being made to simplify funding for rural areas and better target it to the needs of rural people and businesses in each region."

To explain the new arrangements, One NorthEast is operating an information line for customers' queries, on 0191-202 5220. People can also visit www.one northeast.co.uk for more information.

* Simon Henderson has become the chairman of the North-East's Sustainable Farming and Food Strategy (SFFS) Steering Group.

A Northumberland farmer, Mr Henderson will lead the group as it brings the public and private sectors together to create a more competitive food industry.

He said: "The farming industry is facing massive changes and it is up to every one of us to examine our businesses and plan for the future. That could mean diversifying into new areas of business, finding supplemental incomes elsewhere, or expanding. No two farms or farmers are the same - each will find their own solution."

A tenant farmer, Mr Henderson, 41, his wife, Helen, and their children, James and Harry, live at West Fenton Farm, Wooler.

A keen conservationist, he has multiple Countryside Stewardship Scheme agreements on the arable farm.

Projects have included a reedbed filtration system, otter holt and barn owl boxes.

Published: 28/03/2006