HUNDREDS of youngsters across Teesside will take part in a sporting activity day this week.

More than 400 primary school children are expected to take part in the event at Eston Sports Academy, in Middlesbrough, on Thursday.

The event has been organised by Hoop Dreams, a social inclusion project, and the main focus of the day is to create awareness of social issues.

Topics covered will include obesity, healthy eating, anti-smoking, alcohol and drug abuse.

Representatives from Middlesbrough Primary Care Trust will be on hand to give out leaflets and a healthy eating workshop.

Eclipse, part of the Safer Middlesbrough Partnership, will also be offering advice and running workshops to explain the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse.

And youngsters will be able to showcase their skills to Teesside's professional basketball team, The TVLL Teesside Mohawks, as well as playing football and other indoor activities

The event will also include competitions and tournaments.

Director of Hoop Dreams, Tony Hanson, said: "We've been extremely overwhelmed by the response to the day and I'm thoroughly looking forward to it.

"The event encapsulates the ethos of the project by promoting positive messages through sport to young people with the overall aim to deter them from anti-social behaviour."

For more information, contact Jason Budd (01642) 447706.