A TEENAGE girl was raped while her mother was at work, a court was told.

It is alleged that Simon Dixon, 28, led the girl into her mother's bedroom, ordered her to undress and then assaulted her.

After carrying out the assault, he led her back into her own room and switched on her television as if nothing had happened, Newcastle Crown Court heard.

The girl's mother, who was at work when the alleged assault is said to have happened in June last year, only found out when her daughter, then aged 18, told her that Mr Dixon had hurt her.

But after telling her mother about the incident, she then said she had got it wrong.

However, the court heard how she only tried to take her story back because she did not want Mr Dixon to get into trouble. She later said that the assault had took place.

After the teenager was interviewed by an officer from the child protection unit, Mr Dixon, of Emmerson Terrace, Washington, was arrested on July 14 last year.

Christopher Prince, prosecuting, said: "It is alleged that this man has committed an offence of rape."

Mr Dixon denies rape. The trial continues.