PLANS to register an area of Richmond as a town green are likely to be approved.

Margaret Gruffydd, who lives in the town, has applied to North Yorkshire County Council to register The Green.

The land is next to Richmond Bridge and is overlooked by the castle and Culloden Tower.

Eight letters of support have been sent to the authority, including one from Richmond MP William Hague.

Catherine Whitehead, the council's head of legal services, said: "If the land were registered as a town or village green, it would be protected by law from any injury or damage and any interruption to its use or enjoyment as a place for exercise and recreation."

She has recommended the application be approved when the Richmondshire area committee meets on Monday.

Mrs Gruffydd was one of the leading campaigners against the Yorke Square development in Richmond. She helped gather more than 7,000 signatures on a petition against the plans.