A BURGLAR who targeted a friend's home where he had recently been living as a lodger was spared jail yesterday.

Mark Phelps had stayed with Ian Walker and his family as a guest at their home in Concord, Washington, Wearside, between May and June last year.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how two months after he moved out of the house, the 18-year-old returned and broke in during the night. The family were disturbed before he could escape with any of their belongings.

Phelps, of Coverdale Avenue, Washington, was arrested later and admitted burglary.

Judge Esmond Faulks sentenced him to an 18-month community order with supervision and programme requirements.

He must also carry out 100 hours of community service and pay £550 costs.

The judge told him: "It was really a moment of madness."

Defence barrister Andrew Walker said Phelps had found work as a warehouseman and was staying out of trouble and was embarrassed and ashamed about what he had done.