LANDLORDS are being warned to get their houses in order after one problem-plagued pub had its licence revoked.

Time has been called at the Halfpenny pub, in Middlesbrough, following major concerns over the level of crime and disorder associated with the premises.

Sergeant Paul Higgins, of the district licensing unit for Cleveland Police, said the closure sends out a strong message that criminal behaviour must be tackled if a drinking establishment wants to keep its doors open.

Despite repeated warnings over the past three years, the pub in Easson Street, Grove Hill, has continued to be a den for heroin misuse, contraband cigarettes, after-hours drinking and general crime and disorder.

Many of the problems were directly linked with the Moloney family, two of whom are currently serving lengthy prison sentences for supplying class A drugs and money-laundering, according to Sgt Higgins.

The owners of the pub, Punch Taverns, were also criticised for failing to take positive action to address the well-documented problems.

Sgt Higgins said: "They have failed to take the crime and disorder objective seriously. They have failed to comply with conditions imposed on them and they should not be allowed to trade until they take such issues seriously.

"The decision to revoke the licence sends out a very clear signal to landlords that they cannot turn a blind eye to crime and disorder.

"If they do, our response will be straightforward - we will look to close down their business."

Councillor Barry Coppinger, Middlesbrough Council's executive member for community safety and leisure, said: "The evidence showed that this pub was a huge problem to the law-abiding people of the neighbourhood and the police. The licensing committee were right to take the decisive action they did, and I hope that substantially reassures local people that we won't tolerate situations like this."

A Punch Taverns spokesman defended the actions of the licensees to curb the problems.

He said: "We take the issue of responsible retailing extremely seriously and have a number of initiatives in place to ensure our licensees are fully aware of their responsibilities to customers and the wider community.

"Both Punch Taverns and the management company instructed by us to run the Halfpenny had made every effort to comply with the terms of our licence, which included the installation of CCTV cameras.

"Naturally we are disappointed with the decision to revoke this licence and are currently reviewing our future plans ."