BUSINESSES are being invited to bring an added flavour to a food festival

The festival, titled Eat Around the World in Easington, will offer visitors the chance to sample the wide variety of food and drink on offer in the district.

The event, which is organised by Easington District Council, is also offering local businesses the chance to promote their venues and products.

Council tourism officer Melanie Lowes said: "This is the first food festival to be held in the district, and we are hop- ing people will make the most of the opportunity to get involved."

If the festival is a success, there are plans to make it an annual event.

Restaurants, hotels, cafes, pubs and food stores across the area are all encouraged to take part in the festival, which will run from May 19 to 21.

Food businesses wishing to take part are being asked to come up with new dishes, develop themes and provide promotional offers and discounts during the festival.

To get involved, call Ms Lowes on 0191-586 3366.