A NEW strategy to help bring a growing number of empty properties back into use has been launched in east Durham.

As a result of funding from the Easington Colliery and Horden Pathfinder group, Easington District Council has appointed an empty homes officer.

The post has gone to Carl Taylor, who will look at how to resolve the problem of vacant premises.

His work will involve drawing up a comprehensive list of all empty properties in the district.

He will then find out why the properties are vacant and liaise with potential investors and landlords to bring them back into use.

The work will initially be piloted in Easington Colliery and Horden, where residents have voiced concerns about the number of empty properties.

Mr Taylor said: "Empty properties can have a negative impact on a community and are often accompanied by anti-social activities such as fly-tipping, littering and vandalism.

"Reducing the number of vacant homes will not only improve the environment and look of our towns and villages, but will also help reduce nuisance behaviour."

Anyone with information about unoccupied properties is asked to call Mr Taylor on 0191-527 0501, ext 4434.