A PLAN to help manage and maintain a newly-restored park could be approved by senior councillors next month.

South Park, in Darlington, has undergone a major refurbishment over the past few years, with almost every area enhanced.

The scheme, designed to restore the park to its former Victorian glory, was backed by nearly £3m worth of Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) money.

A condition of that funding was that a management and maintenance plan was established to oversee the park's future development.

Darlington Borough Council's cabinet will be asked to adopt the plan when it meets on Tuesday, April 4.

The ten-year plan, which would be reviewed by the HLF after five years, would outline the history of the park and the refurbishment project, as well as set out strategies for the future.

It would also include a maintenance schedule and the financial plans required to sustain the park over the coming years.

The plan has been produced by the council, the Friends of South Park group and landscaping architects. Consultation has also taken place with the HLF and English Heritage.

Councillor Lee Vasey, the council's cabinet member for leisure services, said: "The restoration of South Park has been a joy to see and the adoption of this plan would ensure the area continued to be one of the jewels in the crown of Darlington."