A SCHOOL'S environmentally-friendly flag was raised yesterday by conservationist Professor David Bellamy.

Dodmire Infant School, in Darlington, has been awarded the national Green Flag, giving it eco-school status for its work to encourage pupils and staff to think about the environment.

Yesterday, school staff and pupils met Prof Bellamy as he raised the flag in honour of the good work the school is doing.

He also met the Dodmire Infants children's eco group, made up of pupils from each year in the school, who make sure the school keeps its green theme.

The school was awarded the flag after an assessment covering seven areas including litter, energy efficiency and travel to school.

As part of their work, the children have created a garden area in the playground which they maintain themselves.

Headteacher Maureen Dixon said: "We thought Professor David Bellamy was the ideal person to come to the school and celebrate our award as an eco-school.

"Everyone has worked really hard to achieve this award, which shows how much we care for the environment.

"He will raise the flag at the front of the school, so everyone can see it and be aware of our commitment to the environment."