A VIOLENT mother who attacked another woman has been jailed and told by a judge that she deserved to have her children taken away from her.

Mother-of-three Kelly Kay, 25, was told to spend her time in prison thinking about the effect on her youngsters and on her victim's children who saw the attack.

The judge, Recorder Keith Miller, said: "Bringing up a child is the most important thing that a human being can do, and these children, all children, deserve better."

Kay, who had a previous conviction for assault occasioning actual bodily harm, kicked the woman in the face after she had been repeatedly punched by her friend, Lorraine Kelly, also 25.

Elizabeth Watkins, who was three months pregnant, was walking with her children, aged three and one, and other family members, when Kelly came out of her house and attacked her without warning.

Kay kicked her as she lay on the ground in Neasham Road, Darlington, Teesside Crown Court was told yesterday.

The victim's nose was broken and, because of her pregnancy, she could not have it re-set.

After a trial three weeks ago, Kay and Kelly were both found guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm in the attack on May 27 last year.

The judge told them: "Her children clearly witnessed what happened and it must have been terrifying to witness their mother first struck and knocked to the ground by you, Lorraine Kelly, and then kicked in the face by Kelly Kay.

"Both of you have children, and I'm sure that if one went out into the street and asked members of the public whether they thought it was appropriate for young women who engage in the sort of behaviour such as this should have the care of young children, many members of the public would say 'no'.

"It would be better that such children be removed from mothers like that."

Jeremy Kemp, defending Kay, urged the judge to impose a community penalty, which would help her to set an example to her children.

The judge told Kay: "Your conduct was inexcusable, something which courts cannot tolerate, and I'm afraid I regard it so seriously, having regard to your previous history and this particular assault, I don't think there is any alternative to custody being imposed today."

Kay, of West Crescent, Darlington, was jailed for nine months. Kelly of Redmire Close, Darlington, was ordered to carry out 150 hours community punishment with probation supervision for 18 months.