A MAN who stabbed a 46-year-old woman in the leg with a kitchen knife in an unprovoked attack was jailed for four years yesterday.

Paul Boaler beat his victim until she bled, then tried to cut her throat, before stabbing her in the leg, on November 7 last year.

Teesside Crown Court heard some of the attack was recorded on audio tape after the woman managed to call 999 during the assault.

Paul Cleasby, prosecuting, said: "Without warning or provocation, he launched into a prolonged, vicious and dangerous attack.

"He punched her in the face and hit and shouted at her. She put her hands up to protect herself. He did not stop the attack. He went into the kitchen.

"She attempted to dial 999 and had sufficient time to request the police. When he returned, he was carrying a knife. He went to cut her throat, she pulled away and was struck on the back of her head.

"As she put her head down, she felt him stab her in her left leg."

The court heard the victim, now 47, was taken to Hartlepool hospital. She later needed plastic surgery on her face.

Robin Denny, mitigating for Boaler, of Ellet Court, Hartlepool, said the defendant accepted it had been a bad offence and he was remorseful.

Judge Peter Armstrong, jailing Boaler after he pleaded guilty to wounding with intent, said: "This offence was born out of excessive drink or drugs. This was a serious offence."

The judge made an order preventing the Press from naming the victim.