ENGLISH PARLIAMENT: LORD Falconer has told the English people that England will never have its own Parliament.

If, like me, you are utterly fed up with being told what you can't have and why you shouldn't have it, purely because you are English, then act now and save your country.

For those Northern Echo readers who wish it, please write to me with a letter containing just these words

"I demand England has its own Parliament in place on 26/03/2007".

This is the 300th anniversary of the Act of Union between England and Scotland, a fitting date for England to regain control over its own affairs. I will ensure that all letters are delivered to 10 Downing Street personally.

For the purpose of validation only, please put your name and address on the letter.

I will inform The Northern Echo on the number of letters and when I will deliver them.

Stephen Gash English Democrats Party, Carlisle.


I REFER to my letter (HAS, Dec 17) when I stated that we, that is the taxpayers covering the Cleveland Police Authority, would have no input in the decision by Charles Clarke on the "proposed" amalgamation of the three North-East police forces.

Dianne Carr, (HAS, Mar 10) is quite correct when she says we will get a regional police force whether we like it or not. The cost will run into billions.

New stationery, new logos on all vehicles, new HQ set-up costs, new computers as the existing forces systems are not compatible - and guess who will pick up the tab? That's right you and I.

John Waiting, Guisborough.


AT the risk of being accused of perversion, can I say how pleased I was to hear of a parent exercising her right, indeed some would say her duty, in banning her nine-year-old daughter from using shops displaying soft porn, instead of waiting for the 'nanny' state to do it for her.

I refer to Ms Helen Goodman, Labour MP for Bishop Auckland (Echo, Mar 13) who has expressed dismay at some of the smut her daughter has been exposed to.

However, I wonder, is she referring to the sexual manuals masquerading as teenage mags or the rash of celeb mags portraying the intimate lifestyles of a bunch of alcoholic, drug taking, sexually perverted 'C' list low lives. The plethora of this trash is a reflection of what society deems acceptable in the public domain and Ms Goodman and other mothers would do well to remember their duties as parents in preventing their young children from having access to this garbage.

On reflection, perhaps she may use her influence in controlling the dross shown nightly on the TV portraying porn and deviation in explicit detail under the guise of soap opera aimed at a young audience by both the storyline and times of showing, ie before the mythical 9pm watershed.

It will be interesting to see how the all powerful media moguls respond to this lone cry of a concerned mother and MP.

I await with bated breath but, in the meanwhile, I won't bother to read or watch such rubbish and parents would do well to instruct their offspring likewise.

David T Colling, Bishop Auckland.


Darlington needs a change of direction and a council that actually listens to its people instead of making changes to the town without the electorate having a say.

If a new political party is voted in by those like me who are sick of the rule of Labour, then perhaps one of the main things on their agenda will be to change the name of Durham Tees Valley Airport, which is situated just outside of Darlington.

Hopefully, Durham will be taken away from its title, and something similar to Darlington Tees Valley or the return of its old moniker, Teesside Airport, will give the voter something else to think about.

Darlington has no ties with Durham, and the sooner our local airport has a local name, then the better.

Christopher Wardell, Darlington.


MY father is and always was an outstanding gentleman and citizen of the UK. I am appalled that at 85 he should be placed in the position of worrying each and every day whether he has a "home" or not.

I return to the UK twice a year to visit my family and my father, TW Smith, is my top priority. Just seeing how comfortable and happy he is in East Green Home, West Auckland, is such a comfort to me, especially as I live so far away in Florida.

The carers and staff of the home are so very caring, one would think it was their own mothers or fathers they were looking after.

I cannot believe England would treat its seniors this way.

Dorothy Morland, Florida.


CONGRATULATIONS to Durham School Under 18s who have won a trip to Twickenham.

But looking at their photograph (Local Heroes, Mar 17) you'd think they'd been walloped in the first game. Twenty five players and not one smile for the camera.

J Carter, Darlington.


WHEN George Orwell wrote 1984 most people assumed that he was dealing with a country other than Great Britain. How wrong they were.

Crime has been the reason/excuse for an ever increasing number of surveillance cameras. First in car parks, then the town centre and then in the parks etc. The state, ie the town hall, is now able to watch one in the town centre.

ID cards were, according to the New Labour Party's manifesto, to be voluntary. Apply for a passport and one will have to supply the details necessary for an ID card.

Soon, an ID card will have to be produced for everyday transactions including buying or borrowing a book. The state will know what you read. Apply for a job and the ID card will be swiped and the employer made aware of anything suspicious.

Our civil liberties are coming under serious attack.

John W Antill, Darlington.


RE the article about Gary Tiplady, The Man Who Grew Too Much, (Echo, March 17). Thank you for printing Gary's story.

In 1993 I was diagnosed with acromegaly after years of pain and sent to all sorts of clinics.

Eventually, I saw the right consultant via the pain clinic at Darlington Memorial Hospital.

A consultant at the then Middlesbrough General asked the relevant questions and came up with acromegaly. He operated a month or so later, unable to remove all of the tumour.

I am still taking lots of pills and potions, some for life, but the hospital appointments are fewer.

People do make fun - ignorance, I think. I hope that your article about Gary will make these folk a bit more sympathetic.

Gill Dixon, Richmond.