REGENERATION boss Margaret Fay will be on the frontline today to raise money for charity.

Ms Fay, chairwoman of regional development agency One NorthEast, will man the reception of the agency's headquarters, Stella House, at Newburn Riverside, in Newcastle.

The charity Marie Curie Cancer Care has organised the Back to the Shop Floor fundraising event, which encourages chairmen and women, chief executives and other senior managers to step back down the corporate ladder for a day, as part of its Great Daffodil Appeal.

Staff at the agency have sponsored Ms Fay and all funds will go towards the care of terminally ill cancer patients in their homes.

She said: "The charity offers such a vital and worthwhile service to terminally-ill patients, and these days, there are not many of us who have not been affected by cancer, either directly or through a loved one or friend.

"The chance to man the reception desk will be a far cry from my usual work at the agency, which normally involves attending events on behalf of One NorthEast, speaking about the work we are involved in, or in meetings with our key partners. I am certainly looking forward to it and it will give me the chance to see the agency from quite a different perspective."

Last year, the appeal raised nearly £3.5m.