FEMALE volunteers are being sought to help with a community drop-in centre in West Auckland.

The former village centre on Front Street will be used as a meeting point for youngsters when it reopens in a few weeks following an extensive renovation.

West Auckland Community Partnership Group is looking for volunteers aged over 17 to help run the centre and its two age groups of seven to 11-year-olds and 11 to 18-year-olds.

But although local men have stepped forward, no women have so far volunteered.

West Auckland beat officer PC Andy Hucker, who is involved with the group, said that they hoped to have volunteers of both genders as it will be a mixed centre.

He said: "We are looking for females who have an interest in doing youth work. It's an opportunity to get into voluntary work and make a difference in the community."

The centre is due to reopen at the end of May after grants worth about £30,000 were secured, and Bishop Auckland MP Helen Goodman has agreed to become its patron.

Any females interested in working with the centre can contact PC Hucker on 0845 6060365 ext 2306.