A 16-YEAR-OLD male was assaulted and robbed as he walked home on Wednesday night.

The youth was carrying 24 cans of lager at about 9.30pm, in Stockton town centre, when he was chased by two youths.

The victim stumbled and fell on a path between Wellington Street and Dixon Street, where he was pinned down, assaulted, then robbed of £30 cash and his lager.

He is not thought to be seriously hurt.

The attackers have been described as white and in their late teens.

One was about 6ft, slim, wearing a baby blue hooded top, navy blue track suit bottoms and white trainers.

The other assailant is about 5ft 10in and stocky. He was wearing a hooded top, with another navy blue top over it, with navy blue bottoms, white socks, and trainers.

Both had the tops zipped up to cover their faces.

Anyone with information is asked to contact DC Lee Cooke on (01642) 302226.