CONSERVATIONISTS are being offered funds towards schemes which will benefit the North York Moors National Park.

The North Yorkshire Moors Association is offering £250 through its President's Award to anyone with a good idea for an environmental scheme.

Chairman Tom Chadwick said: "The award was set up in 2000 and so far it has seen some really innovative and fascinating research completed."

One project was on a study of wading birds in the park. Another looked at how the moorland had regenerated at a former missile tracking site at RAF Fylingdales.

Butterflies within the moors was the subject of a research paper which led to the creation of habitats to support eight rare species.

"What we need now are applicants to come forward with new projects requiring some funding to get off the ground, so if you have an idea then please let us know," said Mr Chadwick.

To apply for the award, send a brief outline of the project, before the end of August, to Gareth Fawcett, at 2 High Street, Castleton, Whitby, YO21 2DA.