A TAXING training schedule has paid a handsome dividend for runner Ken Harker.

He picked up the bronze medal in the Masters World Indoor Championships in Austria, the first time he has represented Great Britain on the world stage.

The taxation officer, who lives in Northalleton, beat top international competitors to take his place on the winner's podium for the 800m.

Mr Harker, 35, has been running since he was six years old and entering races across the UK since he was 12.

But his first outing in his country's colours got off to a shaky start.

"It was a great honour to have been there for Great Britain," he said. "But I was worried I wouldn't make it.

"When I arrived in Austria, I was taken ill and spent the first 14 hours in bed.

"Luckily, I managed to get out on the track before the heats and somehow managed to come second."

He added: "I feel so proud to have achieved this - I don't know when I will come down from the high I am on.

"All the training has been worth it.

"And I want to say a huge thank you to my friends for their support."

Mr Harker will be donning the GB shirt again in July when he runs in the European Championships in Poland.