SPORT-LOVING students from a Teesside college have won their way through to represent the North-East at the British Colleges' Sport National Finals.

Guisborough's Prior Pursglove College will send 19 competitors to the finals, to be held in Loughborough, from March 31 to April 2.

The representatives include the college's girls volleyball squad, Amanda McLean, Laura Wain, Lauren Worrall, Nicola Milburn, Nicola James, Danielle Coulton, Kathryn Walker, Caitlin Pearson, Anne McTiernan, Claire Bridgett and Emma White.

They will be joined at the competition by Stephanie Donnelly, table tennis; and the boys cross-country team, Ricky Stevenson, Jonathan Corner, Dominic Shaw, Jamie Roberts, Tom Graham and Andrew Bailey.

Kirstie Kohling, sports teacher at the college said: "It has been a tremendous year for the individuals and the college. To have 19 students qualifying from one college shows what high levels of performance we have at Prior."