THERE is an opportunity to celebrate Mother's Day this weekend by taking a look at some weird and wonderful displays at a group's orchid show.

The Darlington and District Orchid Society will hold its fourth annual show tomorrow and Sunday at Darlington Rugby Club, Blackwell Meadows in the town's Grange Road.

Chairwoman Jean Barker showed off some of her favourite exhibits yesterday, but said there would be something for anyone interested in nurturing plants, and said it was a perfect trip out for Mothering Sunday.

There will be two trade stands where people can buy everything they need to start growing their own orchids, or buy them as gifts.

However, there will also be some displays of the spring flowers, which are synonymous with Mother's Day, that have been grown by society members.

"Orchids are one of the biggest plant families, so there will definitely be some wonderful and varied displays on show," said Mrs Barker.

"They go from the wild to the tropics, so it is very interesting. And, there will be lots of people there to offer advice and information, if people are interested in growing them themselves.

"It will be a great place to bring mums for lunch on Mother's Day."

The exhibition will be open from 11am to 4pm on both days.