WORK is under way to create a safer route for walkers and cyclists.

The Guisborough Market Town Partnership has secured its funding for the footpath and cycleway between Walton Terrace and New Road.

The route will mean pedestrians and riders no longer have to divert through a busy road in the centre of town.

Bill Peacock, chairman of the Chapel Beck Project, said: "The design and workmanship will be very much in line with the Vision Plan, using traditional as well as modern materials.

"We very much appreciate the co-operation from owners of the areas of land involved. I hope the new path will be well used."

Ian Henry, of the Guisborough Cycling Initiative, said: "This is a very welcome development. Residents who enjoy walking alongside the Chapel Beck into and out of town will soon have a safer, quieter route away from the noise and pollution of buses, lorries and cars."

Carol Hudson, manager for the Guisborough Market Town Partnership, said: "This will help to regenerate the Chapel Beck area of Guisborough and restore an amenity to the town."