RESIDENTS are being invited to look round the new Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority headquarters.

An open evening at the £2.2m development in Bainbridge, near Hawes, will be held on Thursday, May 2.

The Yoredale building opened last month, with staff moving from their old offices in the same village.

Authority chairman Carl Lis said: "We are hoping to meet lots of residents during the course of the open evening. It will give them the opportunity to see the building and to meet officers."

The open evening will run from 4pm to 7pm and refreshments will be provided.

The building was paid for by a 50 per cent grant from Defra in 2003, and the remainder from the sale of offices and buildings vacated ahead of the move.

The new address for correspondence is: Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, Yoredale, Bainbridge, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 3EL, or call 0870-166 6333.