A man collapsed giving chase to thieves who stole his sister's handbag.

The 56-year-old man was yesterday receiving treatment in the James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough.

He had been walking with his 66-year-old sister along Union Street, Middlesbrough at 11.50pm on Monday night.

Two black men ran up behind the couple as they reached the corner of Union Street with Windsor Road and one of them ripped the woman's bag from her shoulder.

The thief ran off along Windsor Road, and the victim's brother gave chase.

The 56-year-old man collapsed on Windsor Road as he chased after the thief and an ambulance was called. He was taken to the James Cook University Hospital.

The robber made off with a black leather-style bag containing cash and a photograph of the woman's first great-grandchild which is of great sentimental value to the victim.

The bag snatcher is black, in his 20s, around six feet tall, medium build with short, straight, dark hair. He was wearing a white fleece and black trousers.

The second man, who is described as black and wearing an orange bandana, shrugged his shoulders, telling the woman that the theft was nothing to do with him, then walked off along Union Street.

Cleveland Police are particularly keen to speak to a white man seen running from Windsor Street after the 56-year-old man had collapsed. The man is in his late 20s and wearing a cream coloured top and cap.

Anyone with information is asked to contact DC Shaun Storey of Middlesbrough CID on 01642 303126.