YOUNG pupils from a Durham school are picking up their pens and pencils as part of a design competition to help keep their school and surrounding village free from dog fouling.

More than 140 pupils from Pittington Primary School have taken part in the competition, organised by the City of Durham neighbourhood warden, to design a poster dealing with the issue.

The competition was launched after fouling became a problem in the area surrounding the school, and the pupils decided to design a poster to spread the clean-up message to the local community.

Belinda Snow said: "This competition has been a great way of educating young people about dog fouling and litter offences.

"Hopefully, by working with the pupils the message will get home to parents and throughout the community.

"The city council supplies free bags for dog owners to use and I leave a load of these at the local post office. We are working together to encourage people to keep the area clean and safe."

The winning posters were designed by Emma Taylor, aged nine, and Lewis Crisp, aged six.

The school will now get the posters printed into leaflets, with the help of Clayport Copy Centre in the city, and these will be handed out to parents and villagers.

The two winners will receive vouchers from Tesco and goody bags from Durham City Council.

Pittington Primary School headteacher Kathy Lee said: "We have really enjoyed designing the posters and hopefully the winning designs will help spread the message to dog owners in the community to clean up after their pets.

"The competition has also formed an important part of the pupils' curriculum in helping them to become good citizens.