RESIDENTS who would normally never visit a theatre are to have shows brought to them.

Not only will they have the opportunity of watching a stage performance, but they will be offered hands-on experience in its production.

Drama group Three over Eden is organising theatre workshops followed by performances in neighbourhoods across Middlesbrough at the end of this month, after winning an Awards for All lottery grant of £3,750.

The workshops will be run in conjunction with community organisations, and the ensemble will take their cue for the theme and content of the plays from the feedback they receive.

Residents' contributions can range from ideas for subject matter to hands-on direction of scenes.

Leslie Simpson, co-director of the theatre company, said: "We're very grateful to Awards for All for their grant, as it means we can tour in less privileged areas and take drama to those not normally exposed to the theatre.

"Our approach is a little different, in that we connect with people and provide them with the confidence to try something new."

James Turner, the Big Lottery Fund head for the North-East, said: "This is a great idea and will allow everyone in the community to get involved in theatre.

"Awards for All aims to help make a difference to the quality of people's lives and bring the community together, and it shows what real benefits local groups can reap from smaller grants."