YOUTHS congregating outside a shop on a Darlington estate are plaguing residents and business owners.

Teenagers are regularly gathering near the Pound Shop, Burnside Road, Firthmoor, at night.

Residents voiced their concern yesterday at a meeting of the Eastbourne Community Safety. They said the youths are drinking alcohol and being abusive to residents.

In one incident, two women were threatened, spat at and followed home.

Bricks have also been thrown through windows of homes and businesses in the area.

One resident said: "I am scared to go out to the shop on my own."

Eastbourne ward councillor Lee Vasey said: "It is not acceptable at all.

"Spitting and following someone home is gross intimidation."

Residents also said the youths were asking people to buy alcohol for them.

Police are trying to tackle the problems. Sergeant Mark Ralphs, community beat sergeant for the ward, said: "It is an identified hotspot."