A BRIDE who was the first person to hire a council's marquee for her reception is returning to showcase her own business.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council has organised a wedding fair to highlight its marquee hire service, and Sam Challenor is using it to promote her bridal company.

She said: "I think the fair is a really good way to show off the marquee-hire service, as well as give couples a chance to get all the information they need about getting married under one roof. Having my reception in the marquee made it extra special."

The council is holding the wedding fair in one of its marquees, decked out for a wedding, to give couples preparing for their wedding an idea of its atmosphere.

The event will be in the grounds of the Kirkleatham Museum, Redcar, on Sunday, May 14, from 11am until 4pm. Entry is £2.

Florists, jewellers, beauticians, wedding cake makers, travel companies, stationers and photographers can book a stand, by calling (01642) 496425 or 496426.