A DISUSED factory converted into a community resource centre after a £750,000 facelift opens today.

Enterprise Place, in Tanfield Lea, near Stanley, will be used to help people aged up to 19 develop job skills.

It will offer training and support to people or organisations who want to start a business.

Enterprise Place manager Martin Bell said: "It is absolutely fantastic and there is nothing like this in the North-East on the same scale.

"We have a dedicated staff with expertise working on the enterprise agenda with schools and students.

"It is very well equipped and it is going to get better as time goes on. This centre has been designed with the community in mind."

Enterprise Place was formed in 2003, and the move to the former light engineering factory means it now has its own premises.

It previously hired a unit on Tanfield Lea North Industrial Estate, near its new 10,000sq ft facility. The work has taken just over a year.

Tyneside builder Rok was commissioned by Derwentside District Council to give the disused factory a facelift, which included replacing the roof and fitting new windows.

This was followed by a second phase, which included providing a conference-style suite, offices and classrooms.

Mr Bell said: "We have local entrepreneurs coming along to show young people what they have done and share their stories."

The council contributed £350,000 to scheme, while the rest came from the Government and the EU.

Schools and businesses that want to find more about Enterprise Place are asked to call (01207) 238 098.