PLANS to develop Darlington Football Club's old stadium have received a mixed reaction.

Feethams, the former home of the Quakers, could be turned into a housing estate after Darlington Cricket Club, which owns the ground, outlined plans to sell it.

The cricket club said last week that it aims to use the money from the sale of the ground to build a cricket centre of excellence as well as investing in other sports in the town.

Since the football club vacated Feethams for its new stadium in Neasham Road in August 2003, the ground has fallen into disrepair and has become the target of repeated vandalism and arson.

Most parties feel that while it is a shame to lose a part of the town's heritage, something needs to be done to the ground which has become an eyesore and could become dangerous.

Local ward councillor Joe Lyonette, whose house overlooks the ground, said: "It is sad, it's the end of a historical site, but I think it's been inevitable that it's going to have to go. It's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt there.

"From a resident's point of view and talking with neighbours, generally speaking I think we're quite happy with housing being put there."

Councillor Glen Reynolds said it was important that any development incorporated a community resource.

He said: "As long as whatever is done incorporates an element of community partnership then that has to be a good thing.

"This current proposal certainly seems to incorporate that.

"Clearly something has to be done with the state of the ground and the condition that it's in.

"But the crucial factor in any development is the access and that is something we want to discuss."

However, Tony Taylor, the chairman of Darlington Supporters' Trust, said a debate was also needed in the town about the way facilities are used.

He said: "We have been urging very strongly for a disabled sports facility and we think that Feethams would be an ideal venue for that because of accessibility and the like. Particularly as we're building up to holding the Olympics, it would be a perfect opportunity for the town."