ENGINEERS will today assess parking problems that are forcing fire engines to drive on the wrong side of the road.

Firefighters have told how they have to manoeuvre between awkwardly parked cars in Saltburn, east Cleveland, and called for urgent talks with council officials.

Fire station manager Paul Thompson said drivers responding to emergencies were frightening oncoming motorists by driving on the wrong side of the road.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Councillor Eric Empson met Mr Thompson on Saturday and saw the problems.

Motorists are causing problems near Saltburn bandstand, at Glenside.

Coun Empson said: "Mr Thompson took me to where motorists are parking close to a pedestrian island.

"As I was looking, a fire engine came crawling past, struggling to drive around the bollards.

"This obviously needs addressing urgently, and I will be speaking to the council's engineers on Monday to come up with a solution.

"My view is to move the crossing to another point in the road, but I will seek the advice of the experts."