RESIDENTS are being encouraged to follow the example of a local village group and join a campaign to clean up the environment.

Darlington Borough Council is hoping more groups like Heighington's Parish Litter Group can be formed.

The group was set up after a survey revealed residents' concerns about the scale of the litter problem in the village.

Up to 20 people regularly turn up to lend a hand, including members of the local Scout group.

The council has helped out by providing litter-pick sticks, high-visibility clothing, black bags, gloves and eye protection goggles.

Councillor Stephen Harker, the cabinet member for consumer and environmental services, said: "It's great that groups such as the Heighington Parish Litter Group get together in their own time to help clean up their local area.

"We would love to hear from other residents who are keen to set up their own litter group and we will give them every assistance possible."

Kit Bartram, a founder member of the group, added: "We feel our efforts have been worthwhile and residents have noticed a real difference.

"While the council's litter team and the regular litter picker employed by the parish council keep the village areas clean and tidy, it is impossible to keep up with the amount of litter dropped along the roadside by passing motorists."

Anyone wanting to organise their own litter-picking group can contact the council on (01325) 388777.

The Heighington group can be contacted on (01325) 312270 or 312123.