STRONGER links are being formed after a decision to base an officer at a police station to tackle anti-social behaviour.

Hartlepool police and staff from the Safer Hartlepool Partnership's Anti-Social Behaviour Unit (Asbu) are working more closely than ever, officials say.

Fortnightly meetings are now held to strengthen work that has previously taken place.

An officer from the unit is based at the town's police station for three days a week to improve communications with police.

Inspector Alastair Simpson, of Hartlepool police, said: "The meetings form an important part of the partnership.

"It helps us to focus our efforts on the individuals and areas causing most concern to local residents, as well as identifying opportunities for diversionary work to improve the behaviour of individuals in the longer term.

"A key part of this is identifying younger children who are starting to get involved in anti-social behaviour, and putting in place measures at an early stage to prevent them becoming involved in more serious behaviour as they get older.

"This is essentially a twin-track approach. We will take firm enforcement action at an appropriate level against individuals who make the lives of residents a misery, but we also recognise the underlying issues and the value of engaging and working with these individuals to improve their behaviour."