TRIBUTES have been paid to a councillor who died following an illness.

Councillor Jim Hollern represented the Millfield Ward of Sunderland City Council as leader of the Liberal Democrats.

He served on the standards committee, the planning and highways committee, development control sub-committee (south Sunderland) and the east Sunderland area committee.

City mayor, Councillor Bill Stephenson, said last night: "Councillor Hollern will be a sad loss to the city. He worked well for his constituents and did the job as he saw it.

"He bore his disability with good grace and humour and, despite his illness, was determined to carry on with his political duties as best he could."

Deputy council leader Councillor Bryan Charlton, said: "Our thoughts and sincere condolences go out to his loved ones - Councillor Hollern was very close to his family."

Colleagues from across the council chamber will get the chance to pay their respects, joining in a minute's silence during Wednesday's full council meeting.