CALLS have again been made for the Prime Minister and a leading councillor to visit Hurworth to gauge the strength of opposition to plans to close their school.

Controversial plans to create a £25m academy in Darlington, by merging Hurworth and Eastbourne schools, have met with fury in the village, with protestors vowing to fight the proposals all the way.

Many have been further angered by the lack of visits from their constituency MP, Tony Blair, and Councillor Chris McEwan, who is Darlington Borough Council's cabinet member for children's services.

At a full council meeting on Thursday night, Coun McEwan defended his lack of recent visits, saying that did not have any bearing on his awareness of the situation.

Councillor Bill Stenson called for assurances that Coun McEwan and Mr Blair would visit Hurworth.

"He has been a very busy man making visits, but I, like a lot of people in the town, wondered why he hasn't visited Hurworth School," he said of Coun McEwan.

"I am sure they will tell him all about what is going on.

"They have also an MP, and I'm surprised at him not making a visit down there."

Coun McEwan assured councillors that Hurworth was on his list of visits.

"I can also assure you that I have had daily dialogue with people with interest in Hurworth and also Eastbourne," he said.

"The fact I haven't visited yet does not mean I don't have a good understanding of the issues there."

Coun McEwan added that he would pass on the request to the Prime Minister, but could not speak on his behalf.