COUNCILLORS have hailed the early stages of the town's £6.5m Pedestrian Heart scheme as a success.

Although there had been some "scaremongering" about the possible detrimental effects it could have, that was proving not to be the case, they said.

A full meeting of Darlington Borough Council heard councillors outline how the town centre was flourishing.

Councillor Patrick Heaney said: "There has been some scaremongering about the loss of footfall, about a drop in sales. How wrong that was.

"Now, we can all hope the town centre Pedestrian Heart is going on to a bright future."

Councillor David Lyonette, council cabinet member for economic regeneration, said both the outdoor and covered markets were showing signs of success after initial fears.

"They have got a marvellous market there, it is still a marvellous market, and will continue to be a marvellous market," he said.