DETAILED plans of Durham City's new swimming pool are to be revealed next week.

A meeting of the city council's cabinet is to take place on Monday at which the team drawing up plans for the £12m pool will unveil their design for the facility.

The meeting will take place in the town hall in the city's Market Place, at 2pm and the public is welcome to attend.

The 25m, eight-lane pool is to be built on county council-owned land at Freeman's Place, next to Durham Sixth Form Centre.

The building will include a pool to replace the city's crumbling 70-year-old baths in Old Elvet, health and fitness suite, changing rooms and a room for drama and dance activities.

The Labour Party has previously criticised the Liberal Democrat-run authority over the extent of public consultation over the pool, but the council says that Monday's meeting will be an opportunity for residents to make their views known.

They also say that there have already been eight meetings this month with various specialist groups around the city, including sports clubs and associations, schools, technical agencies, community representatives and access groups.

Councillor Carol Woods, portfolio member for environment and leisure, said: "As well as wanting people to come to the town hall on Monday, we will be holding two exhibitions - one at the Gala and the other at the current city baths from next Saturday, running right through February.

"People will also be able to give us written feedback at both venues and I would encourage as many people as possible to see the proposals."

At the last meeting of the city's cabinet, councillors agreed that the preferred private partner for the health and fitness element of the development would be Competition Line UK Limited.

The company is now in the process of drawing up detailed proposals, which will be put before the council later this year.

The pool is scheduled to be completed by September.