TEACHERS are to visit Russia later this year to pass on their classroom expertise.

Teachers, including those who have retired from the classroom, are being invited to spend a week in Kostroma, working at the city's Teachers' Training Institute, and a week at the State University.

The visit is being organised by Durham County Council's international relations office and will take place over Easter.

During their stay, they will visit local schools, help Russian teachers with English classes and also give lessons.

Brian Stobie, the council's international relations officer, said: "Those who have taken part in this exchange in previous years have found it to be a memorable experience.

"It gives teachers in the county the opportunity to discover more about Russian culture and the city of Kostroma."

The visit will be from April 9 to 23 and teachers will stay with Russian families.

Anyone interested can contact the international relations office on 0191 383 4098