A WALK-IN centre has celebrated its first anniversary after helping more than 31,300 patients in Darlington.

Nurse-led clinics at Doctor Piper House, Darlington Primary Care Trust's King Street headquarters, have been catering to the varied health needs of residents and visitors.

The centre has been hailed a major success and far busier than had been expected.

Trained nurses and emergency care practitioners have been dealing with a host of medical complaints from 7am to 10pm every day.

The centre deals with minor ailments and injuries, but has also managed serious heart and respiratory complaints ensuring patients received rapid hospital treatment.

Matron Nicola Wharton said: "It has been a fantastic year and we have had a wonderful reception from the public."

People do not need an appointment to use the centre, increasing access to healthcare particularly for people who are not registered with a doctor.

Most cases are coughs, colds, flu, rashes, sore throats and cuts and bruises.