A DRINK-driver led a police patrol car on a lengthy chase round a town's back streets, a court heard.

Michael James Bowman, 41, twice stopped and reversed into the patrol vehicle during the late night pursuit, in Shildon, County Durham, last August.

Durham Crown Court heard that it began after Bowman joined his partner for drinks at a pub in Shildon earlier in the evening.

They rowed and she left, but he was later spotted pulling away from a fast food takeaway in her Daewoo Nexus car, with no lights on.

A police patrol driver put on his blue flashing lights and followed Bowman, who refused to stop.

During the ensuing chase, Bowman drove through a park and down a cycle track, as well as making several circuits round back alleys and heading straight across junctions, regardless of other traffic.

Stuart Allison, prosecuting, said the officer at the wheel of the patrol car deliberately kept his distance, fearful Bowman's erratic driving could cause a serious accident.

But, to his relief, it ended in Mafeking Place, when Bowman clipped a parked car and crashed into the gable end of a house.

He got out and tried to run away, but the officer caught and detained him.

Bowman was given a breath test, and the lowest reading was almost three times over the drink-drive limit.

When interviewed later, he claimed he had no memory of the chase.

Mr Allison said the police car cost £2,269 to repair, while the gable end wall of the house was also damaged in the incident.

The court heard that Bowman has previously been disqualified from driving, most recently for three years, in April 2004, among several motoring convictions.

Glenda Turnbull, for Bowman, said the incident made him realise he had a drink problem for which he has sought help to try to overcome in recent months.

She added that he was "horrified by his actions", that night.

Bowman, of Broomlee Close, Newton Aycliffe, admitted driving with excess alcohol, aggravated vehicle taking, dangerous driving and driving while disqualified.

He was jailed for 36 weeks and banned from driving for a further three years.